Nobichon, Bichon Bakery & DogBar has been over 40 years in the making. A restaurant that wants to and can possibly make almost anything and still keeps its promise to serving the highest quality and maintaining the freshness of ingredients at an approachable price. From a young age, Chef Scott has been quite the magician in the kitchen when he first added cinnamon to the tunafish salad. Everyone in the family loved it until he relinquished what the secret ingredient was. After hearing the word cinnamon, they all turned sour and somehow got upset that they were duped into not understanding what was going on with their tastebuds. He realized right then and there what it was like to create something that people were surprised to find delicious and unexpectedly correct. Good thing you’re not his family members.

Reviews of Nobichon

“Nobichon is consistently one of our favorite places. The food is excellent, the atmosphere is chill and we’re always eager to come back. The burgers are fantastic but the chocolate bacon appetizer is to die for. We’re also huge fans of the kitchen sink salad, any of the soups. You really can’t go wrong with any choice from the menu!”

~D. Meehan

“真的是非常美好而且快樂的用餐體驗!這次算與久違見面的好姐妹一起來用餐,電話預約時說了2大1小,馬上詢問是否需要高腳寶寶椅,好貼心!心裡就讚嘆真不愧是4.8顆的高評價餐廳。 抵達時除了寶寶椅之外,甚至幫我們準備寶寶的餐具,因為孩子約1.5歲還不太會喝水,超級貼心且專業的小琪服務馬上就準備了吸管,還要桌邊和孩子用撲克牌玩遊戲,贏了就提供了一本寶寶用的互動繪本。後續因為孩子有點坐不住,還陪她玩球和拿故事機給孩子玩,真的是超級感謝有這位小幫手❤️❤️❤️也因為有小琪姐姐的陪孩子玩,讓我和好姐妹可以有更美好的機會好好暢聊一下。 這次也有和老闆娘和老闆稍微聊天一下,覺得他們把這間餐廳當作招待好友的地方,好像和朋友閒聊,做喜愛的料理盛情招待,可以在餐點還是服務都可以感受到滿滿人情味超級推薦這間餐廳👍”


“回訪好幾次了,每一個餐點都很好吃,老闆老闆娘人很好也很好聊天~ 非常道地的美式餐酒館,跟老闆聊過所有餐點每一個環節,都是老闆精心特製現點現做,竟然連漢堡的麵包都是(真的很用心~)。 調酒好喝,牛肉堡的肉吃得出來很新鮮,特製醬加上肉排的一點焦香味,味覺層次很豐富,跟在國外吃到的真的很像,滿足感十足😋 一定要去試試看! 還有大推店內的甜點👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 大家一定要留一些胃給甜點,非常的香濃好吃!”



61-63 Dewei Street

Zuoying District, Kaohsiung